WNØZAQ - WØZAQ - WØSH - W4GAL - KP4MM - VK6GAL From 1953 to the present
69+ Years "On The Air"

1953 - The receipt for crystal set
parts... my start in radio. I was 11.

My first receiver: a 1935 National SW-3 "Thrill Box"
It was given to me by my first elmer, WØSVD in the fall of 1953

1954 - Duane and his students. Arrow pointing at me,
dark frame glasses, lower left. I was 12, Duane was 34.

WNØZAQ - January 1955 - I was 13

WØZAQ - 1956

WØZAQ - 1957

WØZAQ - 1958

WØZAQ - 1959

WØZAQ - 1960

Combination study desk and ham station - WØZAQ/Ø - Iowa State University, 1961

WØZAQ - 1963 - USAF uniform

WØSH - 1977

January 1980

Visiting Don Wallace, W6AM and operating the W6AM station on CW - November, 1980

AFA6QD (me) operating at the Barry Goldwater, K7UGA USAF MARS Station AFC6BG - 1981

W4GAL - 2004 - Gainesville, Florida

W4GAL - 2005

W4GAL - 2007 - Gainesville

2014 - Gary, W4GAL & Duane, W5SHN - I found Duane in Mountain Home, Arkansas
and went to visit, 60 years after the first picture was taken in this sequence. I'm 72, Duane is 94

A final note I'm sorry to report: Duane passed on to the ham station in the sky in May of 2017. He was 97.

W4GAL - 2015 - Gainesville

W4GAL - 2017 - Melbourne, Florida

2019 - Got on the air with a 2nd visit to W1AW - ARRL HQ in Hartford. My first visit was in 1986.

W4GAL - 2020

W4GAL - 2021 - Operating World-wide from remote sites with my K3-Mini connected to RemoteHamRadio.com and RemoteHams.com

April 2021 - my 80th Birthday shared on Zoom with ham friends from the US and Australia!

Another fun day with the Shavers' Net, Western Australia on 80 meters + Zoom simultaneously

HOA Antennas: 102" whip + Wolf River Coil for FT8 and CW on 30, 17 and 15..... and the Hustler 6BTV antenna on my trailer hitch.